install update error access denied
hi, I'm trying to update DataGrip on my new dev-machine (Windows 2019) and I get errors doing so. On the old machine (Windows 2012R2) everything runs smooth. What can I do?
See the screenshot for the files involved .
thanks Leon
oh, uninstalling and installing works fine as a workaround
This one is solved. While being member local admin group on the W2019 server I, as user, still needed rights on the security tab in the windows explorer.
Same issue here... first update try failed with kompletely crashing update wizzard with no error message. Second run shows the Popup from above with always different Files... So much problems we never had in earlier versions so far
weihs Does the issue persists if you use Toolbox ?
In case the issue persists, if reinstalling does not work. Open a new report at
It still persists. Trying upgrading from 2023.2 to 2023.5. Always the same. Using Toolbox not working too, because no write access.
Your “tip” of reinstalling is - like always - not very helpful to fix the problem! Like every second ticket gets closed with “use workaround”. I mean, I pay for this software since nearly 10 years. And I always need to “Just reinstall" or “just reapir IDE” or what ever to fix issues, which should not exists. I would like to have an 100% working IDE, like JetBrains want a 100% payed invoice.
The fix for it for Windows users: Current user needs write access to folder “C:\Program Files\JetBrains”.
- Rechtsklick auf Ordner “JetBrains” und “Eigenschaften” auswählen.
- Tab “Sicherheit”, dann auf “Bearbeiten…”
- Aktuellen User selektieren und im unteren Bereich Haken bei “Schreiben” setzen.
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We'll report this issue on our tracker so it can be investigated.
I had this exact error. Whatever resolves it, I will open the PROPERTIES of the installation folder. So I unchecked Read only and Security I edited and gave users recording and modification permissions.