Diagram not showing relation? Foreign Key constraint is there...
I'm currently trying out DataGrip and am facing a dead end here. I have created a very basic database in another program and DataGrip actually gets the data right, but it doesn't show the relation. I didn't find anything I had to enable to get this to work.
you can see the book_fk, but it doesn't show up in the diagram.
Any ideas?
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I have the same problem using SQLite. With MySQL works fine. I believe this is because SQLite does not enforce foreign keys (http://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html)
It is known issue with table relations not displaying. Please vote and follow related requests in YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-1781 , https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-2130 .
Any fix expected soon?
Currently I have no ETA for this. Most probably not in the nearest DataGrip versions.
Any update? I see foreign keys for MySQL just fine but they're missing altogether for DB2. DbVisualizer has no issues with it.
I have also run into this issue. Is there any chance that we'll be getting a fix?
The bug's still not fixed.So vizualization mode is not working.
Could you provide a sample DDL to reproduce the issue?
Yes, sure.
I use Database Tools and SQL plugin 211.7442.57.
I submitted a new issue DBE-13750 based on your description.