Collecting additional logs in CLion
When reporting issues with CLion to our support team, mind you can collect additional and more detailed logs in some cases. To do so, go to Help | Diagnostic Tools | Debug Log Settings... and enter one of the following setting there:
- #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.workspace.compiler - when you experience issues with project loading or collecting compiler information in CLion (append :trace to turn on the TRACE level and log all the requests to the compiler).
- #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp.toolchains.WSL - when you experience issues with WSL.
- #com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger - when you experience issues with an integrated debugger.
- #com.jetbrains.cidr.remote - when you experience issues with the Remote Development support in CLion.
After that, reproduce an issue, collect logs with Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data and send them to us along with the problem detailed description and some scenario to reproduce it.
Note, logs might contain private user's information.
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