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IDEs Support (IntelliJ Platform) | JetBrains
CLion Frequently Asked Questions
Embedded Development in CLion
Collecting additional logs in CLion
How to start CLion on FreeBSD?
What to do if debugger doesn't work as expected?
I can’t find some functionality in CLion. What to do?
Is there a community edition for CLion? Is CLion available as a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA?
Keymaps and useful shortcuts, what to do if a shortcut is not working?
Project can be compiled correctly, but highlighting, completion, refactorings, etc. in CLion are not working. CLion fails to find some of my classes. What to do?
CLion fails to find some of my headers. Where does it search for them?
Performance and memory problems when using CLion
How do I add my libraries to the project?
How to change a build directory in CLion? Is it possible to use in-source-tree build? Why does CLion generate several build types at once?
Which build systems are supported? Do you plan to support any other build systems?
Why do you need a CMake project? (spoiler: you don't!)
What platforms can I run CLion on?
How can I change compilers in CLion?
What compiler/debugger can I use within CLion?