Intellij IDEA is laggy
intellij idea is so lag for me that I can't even use it my CPU goes from 10% to 99% its not when I paste or type anything its lag when I click a button on mouse or just open intellij
anything I do on intellij my cpu uage goes up
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Hi there,
Is the issue reproducible with all custom plugins disabled (File | Settings | Plugins | Installed | ⚙ | 'Disable all downloaded plugins') and IDE restarted?
Also make sure that:
If the problem persists:
i have no custom plugins installed
Then please follow the rest of the instructions to collect additional information for the investigation.
Upload id: 2021_12_08_HedBVBj4nkh5CKxd (file:
this is my CPU usage snapshot
Upload id: 2021_12_08_QBxchjV3HvRep6kK (file: and this is my intellij logs
Thank you. I'll analyze the data and get back to you.
Please disable the following custom plugin:
Then restart the IDE to see if it makes a difference.
If it doesn't help, try increasing the maximum heap size to e.g. 2000 mb in Help | Change Memory Settings.
You can also try invalidating caches: File | Invalidate Caches | Invalidate & Restart
Nothing worked
The snapshot shows usage spikes on loading plugins, some UI element rendering (specifically in the editor), and code inspection/highlighting.
What kind of project do you have? Is the problem specific to a single project or is it reproducible in every project, even a new simple Java one?
Please attach a new CPU snapshot (1-2 min long) and batch of logs after you've set Heap Memory size to 2000m and disabled the Dracula Theme plugin.
this is my new CPU snapshot
Upload id: 2021_12_10_KYTXjmTf72Z534YG (file:
and this is my log
Upload id: 2021_12_10_Uh25Fsj12JnnnwVG (file:
Thank you.
I filed a new performance problem report about it to our issue tracker:
Responsible developers will look into it. Feel free to follow the issue to stay updated on the progress.
Please also answer the questions from my previous message. It may help the investigation.
Does it help if you disable Grazie plug-in and increase -Xmx to 2048m in Help | Edit Custom VM Options? Make sure to restart the IDE.
i disabled Grazie and i changed heap size to 2048m
but my cpu usage is still high
my cpu usage is high in any project
What hardware do you use? What's the CPU/GPU?
my CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @3.00GHz
and my GPU NVIDIA GeForce GT 710
but why my CPU usage is going from 0 to 99%?
Hi, I have the same problem , today I have upgraded my PyCharm and now I cant work because the IDE UI is very laggy :((
PyCharm CPU load > 100% all time
PyCharm 2020 worked much faster, how to downgrade?
My configuration:
Any solution?
Alsaienko81 please report at with the CPU snapshot attached per Your issue is likely different.
Aryiaxd Please share these 2 files, for some reason -Xmx2048m setting doesn't seem to be applied to the JVM.
E:\Programs\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021.3\bin\idea64.exe.vmoptions
You can attach the files at
Any update on this? I am experiencing same problem, tried disabling plugins, increasing heap space with no avail.
CPU usage spontaneously spikes up to 500% when I start typing. Only solution that worked was to downgrading to a lower version.
Tsogtbileg Dash-Yondon
Your issue may be different. Please submit a report to with a CPU usage snapshot attached (see
Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately I have already downgraded to 2021.2.3 and am unable to report anytime soon.
Thank you Tsogtbileg Dash-Yondon.
Can't say much without the diagnostics data, so next time something like this happens, make sure to grab the logs.
Will do, thank you for your time and sorry for distracting you without having diagnostic data.
No worries at all Tsogtbileg Dash-Yondon 👍
Further analysis of the logs and thread dumps suggests that slowness may be caused by hardware rather than software configuration.
Do you have HDD or SSD (or both)? Do drives C: and E: share the same data partition? Do you have any network drives in your system?
E:\Programs\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021.3\bin\idea64.exe.vmoptions
Upload id: 2021_12_15_6AejCS5Dzc3LQSWi (file: idea64.exe.vmoptions)
Upload id: 2021_12_15_XkMPzRqmnBiASd8H (file: idea64.exe.vmoptions)