Reporting font rendering problems
If you face problems with the font rendering, please file a new issue (if you didn't yet) and provide the following details:
- The font you use and its size.
- In which part of the IDE did you face the problem - in the editor, in Terminal or other? Please, provide a screenshot of the rendering if possible.
- Which antialiasing is set in "Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance"?
- The versions of your OS, IDE and IDE runtime (you can check that in "Help | About" dialog).
- What's the native resolution of your display? Is there any scaling applied?
- Please share your HiDPI Info:
- In the main IDE window invoke the "Find Action" (Shift-Shift, Actions tab) and type "Show HiDPI Info", select the corresponding action in the list and press Enter.
- In the appeared window hover the bottom-right corner and click the Copy icon there. The window contents will be saved to the clipboard. Alternatively, make a screenshot.
Also, if you're on macOS:
1. Please copy and paste this line into the terminal:
subpixel=$(defaults read CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled 2>&1);if ! [[ $subpixel =~ "does not exist" ]]; then echo "global CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled is $subpixel"; fi;aaLevel=$(defaults read "$domain" AppleFontSmoothing 2>&1);if ! [[ $aaLevel =~ "does not exist" ]]; then echo "global AppleFontSmoothing is $aaLevel"; fi;defaults domains | tr , \\n | grep com.jetbrains | while read domain; do subpixel=$(defaults read "$domain" CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled 2>&1);aaLevel=$(defaults read "$domain" AppleFontSmoothing 2>&1);if ! [[ $subpixel =~ "does not exist" ]]; then echo "$domain CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled is $subpixel"; fi;if ! [[ $aaLevel =~ "does not exist" ]]; then echo "$domain AppleFontSmoothing is $aaLevel"; fi;done
When expanded, this command looks like:
subpixel=$(defaults read CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled 2>&1)
if ! [[ $subpixel =~ "does not exist" ]]; then echo "global CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled is $subpixel"; fi
aaLevel=$(defaults read "$domain" AppleFontSmoothing 2>&1)
if ! [[ $aaLevel =~ "does not exist" ]]; then echo "global AppleFontSmoothing is $aaLevel"; fi
defaults domains | tr , \\n | grep com.jetbrains | while read domain; do
subpixel=$(defaults read "$domain" CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled 2>&1)
aaLevel=$(defaults read "$domain" AppleFontSmoothing 2>&1)
if ! [[ $subpixel =~ "does not exist" ]]; then echo "$domain CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled is $subpixel"; fi
if ! [[ $aaLevel =~ "does not exist" ]]; then echo "$domain AppleFontSmoothing is $aaLevel"; fi
The command shows whether you've got some custom OS antialiasing settings (on global or application level). In case if there's no output, you don't have it.
But if there's some output, we kindly ask you to try restoring the defaults. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't intend to support these options, and some rendering problems may appear as a result of using them.
You can reset the global defaults by running:
defaults delete AppleFontSmoothing
defaults delete CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled
As for the application-specific properties, you should specify the domain, e.g:
defaults delete com.jetbrains.intellij AppleFontSmoothing
defaults delete com.jetbrains.intellij CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled
2. Catalina (10.15.*) and below: Is there "Use font smoothing when available" enabled in "System Preferences | General"? It makes fonts a bit bolder, so try enabling it if the fonts are too thin, and vice-versa.
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